The Singapore Budget 2023 Summary

The Singapore Budget is an annual financial plan that outlines the government’s revenue and expenditure for the upcoming financial year. The budget is usually announced in February or March and covers a wide range of areas, including healthcare, education, infrastructure, and social welfare.

The Singapore Budget 2023 Summary

The Singapore Budget 2023 was announced on February 19, 2023, by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat. The budget focused on three key areas: supporting businesses, investing in infrastructure, and strengthening social safety nets.

Singapore Budget 2023 for Business

The Singapore Budget 2023 had several measures aimed at supporting businesses. One of the key initiatives was the extension of the Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) for another six months. The JSS was introduced in 2020 to help businesses retain their employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has been extended several times since then. Under the JSS, the government provides wage subsidies to eligible employers to help them keep their workers employed.

Another initiative aimed at supporting businesses was the introduction of a new tax incentive scheme for intellectual property (IP) income. The scheme will provide tax exemptions for income derived from qualifying IP rights, such as patents and copyrights. The government hopes that this will encourage companies to develop and commercialize their IP in Singapore.

The budget also included measures to support businesses in the digital economy. The government will be investing in the development of digital infrastructure, such as 5G networks and data centers, to help businesses take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization. The budget also included funding for digital upskilling programs to help workers and businesses adapt to the changing digital landscape.

Singapore Budget 2023 for Business
Singapore Budget 2023 for Business

Singapore Budget 2023 for Companies

The Singapore Budget 2023 had several measures aimed at supporting companies. One of the key initiatives was the introduction of a new Corporate Income Tax (CIT) rebate. The rebate will be available to all companies, regardless of their size or industry, and will be based on their tax payable for the year of assessment 2023.

Another initiative aimed at supporting companies was the extension of the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) for another year. The EDG is a grant that helps companies grow and expand overseas. The grant covers up to 70% of qualifying project costs, such as consultancy fees and overseas market set-up expenses.

The budget also included measures to support companies in the manufacturing sector. The government will be investing in the development of advanced manufacturing capabilities, such as 3D printing and robotics, to help companies improve their productivity and competitiveness. The budget also included funding for skills training programs to help workers in the manufacturing sector acquire the necessary skills to work with these advanced technologies.

Singapore Budget 2023 Infrastructure Investments

The Singapore Budget 2023 also included significant investments in infrastructure. The government will be investing in several major infrastructure projects, including the expansion of the Changi Airport Terminal 5 and the development of the Jurong Lake District. These projects will create jobs, boost economic growth, and improve the quality of life for Singaporeans.

The budget also included funding for the development of new public housing estates and the upgrading of existing ones. The government will be investing in the development of smart and sustainable housing, such as energy-efficient buildings and green spaces.

Singapore Budget 2023 Social Safety Nets

The Singapore Budget 2023 also included measures aimed at strengthening social safety nets. The government will be increasing funding for healthcare, education, and social welfare programs to ensure that all Singaporeans have access to basic services and support.

The budget included funding for the development of new healthcare facilities and the expansion of existing ones. The government will also be increasing funding for healthcare subsidies and insurance schemes to help Singaporeans manage their healthcare costs.

Singapore Budget 2023 Social Safety Nets
Singapore Budget 2023 Social Safety Nets


The Singapore Budget 2023 was aimed at supporting businesses, investing in infrastructure, and strengthening social safety nets. The budget included several measures aimed at supporting businesses, including the extension of the Jobs Support Scheme and the introduction of a new tax incentive scheme for intellectual property income.

The budget also included measures aimed at supporting companies, such as the introduction of a new Corporate Income Tax rebate and the extension of the Enterprise Development Grant. The government will also be investing in the development of advanced manufacturing capabilities and digital infrastructure to help companies take advantage of opportunities offered by digitalization.

The budget included significant investments in infrastructure, including the expansion of Changi Airport Terminal 5 and the development of the Jurong Lake District. The government will also be investing in the development of new public housing estates and the upgrading of existing ones.

Lastly, the budget included measures aimed at strengthening social safety nets, such as increasing funding for healthcare, education, and social welfare programs. These measures will ensure that all Singaporeans have access to basic services and support.

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