Singapore is a highly developed country that has been attracting foreign investment for decades. As we enter 2023, the country continues to be an attractive destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), with a strong investment strategy, impressive FDI statistics, and numerous investment opportunities for foreigners.

Singapore FDI Strategy

Singapore’s government has long recognized the importance of FDI as a key driver of economic growth. The country’s investment strategy is focused on attracting high-quality FDI that will help to create jobs, develop new industries, and enhance the country’s competitiveness.

The Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) is the government agency responsible for attracting and facilitating FDI. The EDB works closely with foreign investors to help them set up and grow their businesses in Singapore. The agency offers a range of incentives to foreign investors, including tax exemptions, grants, and investment allowances.

To attract FDI, the EDB has identified several key sectors that are critical to Singapore’s economic growth. These sectors include advanced manufacturing, biotechnology, digital services, and sustainable urban solutions. The EDB has been actively promoting these sectors to potential investors and has been working to build a strong ecosystem to support these industries.

Singapore FDI Strategy

Singapore FDI Statistics

Singapore has a strong track record when it comes to attracting FDI. In 2021, the country recorded a total FDI inflow of SGD 17.2 billion (USD 12.8 billion), despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This represented a year-on-year increase of 39%.

The United States, Japan, and China were the top three sources of FDI for Singapore in 2021. The United States was the largest source of FDI, accounting for 25% of total FDI inflows. Japan and China accounted for 18% and 17% of FDI inflows, respectively.

Singapore’s FDI statistics also highlight the country’s success in attracting high-quality FDI. In 2021, the manufacturing sector received the largest share of FDI, accounting for 43% of total FDI inflows. The digital sector was the second-largest recipient of FDI, accounting for 24% of total FDI inflows.

Investment in Singapore for Foreigners

Foreigners looking to invest in Singapore have numerous opportunities to do so. The country’s strong investment climate, pro-business environment, and strategic location make it an attractive destination for foreign investors.

One of the most common ways for foreigners to invest in Singapore is through the purchase of property. Singapore’s property market has long been popular with foreign investors, particularly those from China and the United States. In recent years, the government has implemented measures to cool the property market, but foreigners can still purchase property in Singapore, subject to certain restrictions.

Foreigners also have the opportunity to invest in Singapore’s thriving startup ecosystem. Singapore has a vibrant startup scene, with numerous incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces that cater to startups. The government has also implemented several initiatives to support startups, including grants, tax incentives, and mentoring programs.

In addition to startups, Singapore’s established industries also offer investment opportunities for foreigners. The country’s manufacturing sector, in particular, is a key area of focus for the government. Singapore has a well-developed manufacturing ecosystem that includes advanced manufacturing, precision engineering, and aerospace industries.

Investment in Singapore for Foreigners


As we enter 2023, Singapore continues to be an attractive destination for foreign direct investment. The country’s strong investment strategy, impressive FDI statistics, and numerous investment opportunities for foreigners make it an ideal location for businesses looking to expand in Asia. With its pro-business environment and strategic location, Singapore is likely to remain a leading destination for FDI for years to come.

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