No, a work permit holder in Singapore is not allowed to register a company. Work permit holders, such as those holding the Work Permit for foreign unskilled and semi-skilled workers, are typically restricted to working for a specific employer in an approved sector. They are not permitted to engage in entrepreneurial activities in Singapore, including registering a company, as it would violate their work pass conditions.

Work permit holders are generally employed by companies in Singapore to fulfill specific roles and are expected to work exclusively for their sponsoring employers. Registering a company and engaging in business activities in Singapore would require a different visa or work pass, such as an Employment Pass (EP) or other suitable visas for entrepreneurs or business owners.

It’s essential to comply with Singapore‘s immigration laws and regulations to ensure that you stay within the bounds of your work permit conditions. If you’re interested in starting a business or registering a company in Singapore, you may need to explore alternative visa options or consult with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for guidance based on your specific circumstances. Please contact us at Singapore Company Formation to get consulting to start your new business in Singapore. 

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