No, US citizens cannot work in Singapore without a valid work visa or permit. Just like nationals coming from any other country, US citizens have to apply for the relevant employment pass or work visa in order legally to be able to work in Singapore. In general, work visas are available in various types for applicants depending on their qualifications, job type, and period of stay.

The most common form of a work visa is an Employment Pass, which is intended for professionals, managers, and executives. In this case, US citizens will have to earn a minimum monthly salary of SGD 5,000 and hold appropriate qualifications for the job in question, such as an appropriate degree or specialized skills. In general, the application for the EP is submitted by the employer; it is usually granted within a few weeks.

Another avenue for mid-skilled workers is called an S Pass. In the S Pass, technicians and mid-level professionals can apply but need to meet specific salary and educational requirements. Companies can hire just a limited number of S Pass holders based on the proportion of their local workforce.

Another common visa issued to US citizens targets entrepreneurs who wish to start a business in Singapore under the name EntrePass. These target innovative business ideas with a good record in entrepreneurship or technology.

Apart from this, there are other types of passes, like the Personalized Employment Pass (PEP), Dependent’s Pass, and Long-Term Visit Pass, under certain conditions, which also allow an individual to work.

While US citizens cannot work in Singapore without a visa, they also have a few options of work visas, depending on profile and job role. The employer also can play an important role in obtaining these passes. It is against the law to work in the state without having proper work authorization.

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