Trademark registration is about making sure your brand, which could be a name, logo, or slogan, is protected from usage. Trademarking intellectual property in Singapore does not have to be expensive. The focus of this article is on the various low-cost and less costly alternatives for cheap trademark registration in Singapore so that you are able to safeguard your brand without breaking the bank. Also, we will be covering the cheapest way to trademark a name in Singapore and how to trademark your business name on a budget.

Why Trademark Registration Matters

But before going further into options of cost-saving, let’s understand why trademark registration is an important activity for any business. Trademark legally protects your brand by not allowing any competitor to use a similar name, log, or tagline with which customers may mistake them for your business. You will get exclusive rights to use the cheap trademark registration in Singapore by registering your trademark where you can sue those who may infringe on your intellectual property.

Without a registered trademark, your business may run the risk of failing to protect its brand and reputation. Worst still, any other company may end up registering a similar name, which will reduce your legal rights as well as control over your brand.

The importance of trademark registration for safeguarding your brand

The importance of trademark registration for safeguarding your brand

Cheap Trademark Registration in Singapore

The process of cheap trademark registration in Singapore does not have to be costly for you. The following points are some tips for inexpensive trademark registration in Singapore:

  1. File electronically: for all electronic filings, IPOS grants a discount on fees paid compared to filings using a paper form. This clearly is cost-effective but also efficient in terms of processing time.
  2. Self-filing: You do not need to engage the services of a lawyer or agent in filing a trademark application. If you pay sufficient attention to observing IPOS guidelines and providing correct information in your filing, you can easily undertake the task yourself and thus save yourself some professional fees.
  3. Group applications can be submitted when, for instance, a business operates under many classes. It may be expensive to file separate applications for every class that the business belongs to. Instead, what one should do is file a multi-class application where, under one application, the trademark can be applied to several classes at one go with reduced costs.

Low-Cost Trademark Registration in Singapore

To achieve the most economical solutions of cheap trademark registration in Singapore, there are some extra steps that can be undertaken:

  1. Trademark package: Most of the IP firms and agents in Singapore offer attractive packages for trademark registration. The package covers the pre-filing search, filing of the application, and follow-up correspondence with IPOS. If you avail a package, you will avoid paying piecemeal fees for each service.
  2. Online services: Most of the online services currently use their websites for the provision of trademark registration services at low costs. The websites may have an automated process of filing applications in simple steps. While the cost will be relatively cheaper compared to maintaining a law firm, careful consideration must be taken on the level of support, especially when problems do arise during the process of registration.
  3. Government Incentives: The government of Singapore has various schemes and subsidies available for the SMEs with respect to the protection of their intellectual property. A business can cover part of costs associated with the registration of its trademarks by availing of such incentives.

Affordable trademark registration services in Singapore for your brand

Affordable trademark registration services in Singapore for your brand

Inexpensive Trademark Registration: Managing Costs

Focus on value, not price, regarding inexpensive trademark registration. Due to the need to attempt to cut corners on every available expense, there may be little room for making sure protection for your brand endures.

Pre-filing searches are probably the area of trademark registration where most mistakes are made. Low-cost pre-filing searches involve searching the free database at IPOS, or employing the low-cost search service an IP agent can provide. Proper research can avoid costly objections or denials down the line.

Unnecessary Classifications: IPOS requires firms to register trademarks under certain classes of goods or services. Identifying unnecessary classifications raises registration costs and therefore, one should consider only the most relevant classes in connection with your business.

Cheapest Way to Trademark a Name in Singapore

Looking for the cheapest way to trademark a name in Singapore? Then follow these tips:

  • Avail online: Make use of free online facilities such as the IPOS database and DIY guides for completing the procedure without engaging professional services.
  • Apply for a single-class: If the company requires protection under only one category, a single-class application is cheaper.
  • Monitor deadlines: Trademark registration requires renewals, and failure to meet deadlines sometimes results in extra fees and can even cost you your trademark. Pay attention to important dates to avoid uncalled-for costs.

The most affordable options for trademarking a name in Singapore

The most affordable options for trademarking a name in Singapore

Cheapest Way to Trademark a Business Name

Following are some strategies to help businesses find the cheapest way to trademark a business name:

  1. Only electronic filing: This is the least expensive method of cheap trademark registration in Singapore, ensuring speedier processing at a lower cost.
  2. Unique Name: Highly generic and similar business names or existing trademarks are usually objected to or rejected, which entails an additional fee. Therefore, preparing a distinctive and unique name from the very start of your business could eventually cut down complications and costs.
  3. Availability of the available resources: IPOs have made available resources and guides on how to go about registering a trademark. If you availed yourself of the provided resources, you would not require an attorney or agent, which reduces costs drastically.

The most economical way to trademark a business name

The most economical way to trademark a business name


Registration of trademarks is, therefore, an important phenomenon in giving one’s brand protection and guaranteeing success in business. With the searching for cheap trademark registration in Singapore, options for low-cost trademark registration, and searching for the cheapest way to trademark a name or business name, entrepreneurs can shield their intellectual property without having to spend too much money. Leverage electronic filing, pre-filing research, and any available subsidies, all of which can cut your costs while fully protecting your brand. All in all, searching and filing can make the trademark registration process in Singapore efficient and cost-effective, whether you do it yourself or hire some low-cost professional assistance.