Starting a daycare center can be a rewarding venture, contributing to both the community and the growth of future generations. In this article, we’ll take you through the essential steps to establish a daycare center in Singapore, covering everything from licensing to cost considerations.

Daycare center in Singapore is so vital for busy generations

Due to the increasing expenses of living, daycare facilities are gradually becoming commonplace in Singapore, especially as many parents are actively engaged in work to provide for their families. While some individuals may lean towards hiring a nanny for their child, it’s important to note that the expenses associated with employing a nanny are comparatively higher than opting for daycare services. With 7 compelling reasons, you will see the crucial of Daycare center in Singapore, they include:

Daycare center in Singapore is so vital for busy generations
Daycare center in Singapore is so vital for busy generations

1. Educational Setting

Creating an optimal learning environment within a childcare facility is of utmost importance. The environment should not only foster and enrich the learning experiences of children but also ensure their safety and security as they explore freely. An exemplary childcare center should offer a developmentally suitable and secure setting encompassing both indoor and outdoor spaces.

2. Catering to Your Child’s Requirements

It is crucial to guarantee that your child receives a balanced diet throughout the day, as it significantly impacts their mental well-being. Many childcare centers now have on-site chefs who prepare nutritious and delectable meals. If you have concerns regarding food allergies, it is advisable to inquire about the center’s procedures in handling such situations.

3. Institutional Culture & Educators

The caliber and competence of educators, along with their ability to connect with your child, play a pivotal role in selecting a childcare center. Observing their interactions with other children within the school provides insight into your child’s potential adaptability to the school culture. Always verify the credentials of educators, ensuring the childcare center holds the necessary licenses and has undergone inspections before admitting students. Additionally, consider the student-to-teacher ratio, as a lower ratio implies more personalized attention for your child.

4. Meeting Your Expectations

Proximity to your home or workplace, associated transportation costs, and program schedules are vital factors in the decision-making process. Inquire about registration fees, coverage of fees, monthly rates, and the availability of half or full-day childcare programs. Understanding policies regarding late pick-ups and associated fees for field trips, special events, or withdrawals is equally essential.

5. Evaluations & Recognitions

Many parents rely on online reviews and recommendations from peers, considering them as trustworthy referrals. Credible testimonials, whether on Google, the preschool’s website, or social media, hold significant weight. Additionally, industry awards establish benchmarks for credibility and achievements of a childcare center.

6. Intuition

A parent’s instinct plays a crucial role in determining whether a childcare center is suitable for their child while they are occupied with work. Observing your child’s reaction upon entering the center is a valuable indicator of its suitability. Trusting your gut feeling can provide valuable insights into the compatibility of the childcare center with your child’s needs.

8 Basic steps to opening a daycare center in Singapore

Embarking on the journey to open a childcare center in Singapore involves several crucial steps. From selecting the type of child care center to meeting minimum requirements, choosing the right location, registering the business, and more, this comprehensive guide provides valuable insights for aspiring child care center owners. 8 these basic steps include:

8 Basic steps to opening a daycare center in Singapore
8 Basic steps to opening a daycare center in Singapore

Step 1: Choose the Type of Child Care Centre:

  • The initial decision revolves around selecting the type of child care center. In Singapore, options include Premium centers, Anchor Operators, and Partner Operators. Each category comes with unique features, teaching methodologies, and government funding levels.

Step 2:  Research the Child Care Business:

  • Thorough research is essential to understand the viability of the child care business. Visiting existing child care centers offers valuable insights into their operations. Creating an initial costing report is crucial, considering both capital and operational costs. The initial investment typically ranges from S$800,000 onwards, depending on factors such as location and size.

Step 3: Comply with Minimum Requirements:

  • To proceed, aspiring child care center owners must adhere to minimum requirements:
  • The applicant must be at least 21 years old and a Singapore citizen or permanent resident.
  • No criminal records for the applicant and managers.
  • Teaching staff should possess preschool teaching diplomas.
  • Adherence to staffing, physical, and administrative requirements set by the Director of Social Welfare.

Step 4: Choose the Location:

  • Selecting an appropriate location involves collaboration with various agencies like URA, HDB, SLA, and NEA, depending on the site’s nature. Factors such as building layout, external environment, traffic flow, and safety considerations play a pivotal role in the approval process.

Step 5: Registering the Business:

  • Registration of the child care center with the government is a crucial step. Business owners can choose to register through ACRA, ROS (for non-profit organizations), or IPC (for organizations associated with public figures). The business name must align with the one on file with ACRA.

Step 6: Secure the Clearances:

  • Ensuring compliance with government regulations involves obtaining clearances from various agencies. This includes approvals from URA, HDB, SLA, NEA, and others based on the nature and location of the child care center.

Step 7: Hiring the Staff:

  • Selecting qualified and suitable staff is pivotal for the success of a child care center. Hiring individuals with relevant qualifications, experience, and a passion for child development is crucial. Adequate training programs should be in place to enhance staff capabilities.

Step 8: Apply for a License:

  • The final step involves applying for a license from the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA). This process includes a thorough review, physical inspections, and compliance checks to ensure the child care center meets all prescribed standards.

Cost of opening a daycare center in Singapore

The journey of opening a daycare center in Singapore, alongside the commonly seen basic procedures, also requires business owners to be aware of the general costs involved in the process of starting a daycare center in Singapore. The cost of opening a daycare center in Singapore includes: 

  1. Licensing Fees
  2. Facility Setup
  3. Staffing Costs
  4. Educational Materials and Equipment
  5. Operational Expenses
  6. Compliance and Safety
  7. Marketing and Outreach
  8. Training and Professional Development
  9. Contingency Fund
  10. Technology and Administrative Tools
  11. Miscellaneous Expenses

While the costs outlined above provide a comprehensive overview, it’s crucial to note that actual expenses may vary based on factors such as the size of the daycare center, location, and specific services offered. Detailed financial planning, budgeting, and a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements will contribute to the successful establishment and sustained operation of your daycare center in Singapore.

Starting a daycare center in Singapore

Starting a daycare center in Singapore requires meticulous planning and a dedication to providing a safe and nurturing environment for children. By following these steps and staying committed to regulatory standards, you can lay the foundation for a successful and impactful daycare center in the heart of Singapore.

  1. Research and Planning: Understand the local landscape and analyze competitors, which are essential steps before embarking on any venture. Subsequently, create a detailed business plan outlining the mission, vision, target market, services, and financial projections for your center.
  2. Legal Requirements and Licensing: Contact the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to comprehend licensing requirements for childcare centers, and ensure strict adherence. Strict compliance with regulatory principles facilitates a smooth licensing process.
  3. Location and Facilities: Choose a strategic location that is accessible and complies with safety regulations.
  4. Recruitment and Staff Training: Hire qualified staff to meet education and certification requirements set by ECDA. Conduct training in child safety, first aid, and child development.
  5. Teaching Program and Activities: Develop a teaching program suitable for different age groups, emphasizing a balance between education and entertainment, aligned with early childhood education principles.
  6. Financial Planning: Establish a detailed budget outlining hidden costs and collaborate with sponsors, grants, or partnerships to support your financial plan.
  7. Marketing and Community Outreach: Develop a website and leverage social media platforms to promote your childcare center within the community.
  8. Registration and Launch: Initiate registration procedures, ensuring you have all necessary documents and contracts. Plan an opening event to introduce your childcare center to the community, requiring evidence of commitment.

How to register a daycare center license in Singapore

Securing a daycare center license in Singapore is a crucial step towards establishing a legitimate and trustworthy childcare facility. The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) oversees the licensing process, ensuring that daycare centers meet specific standards to provide a safe and nurturing environment for children. You can register a daycare center license in Singapore with 5 primary steps: 

1. Preliminary Research and Information Gathering:

  • Visit the ECDA Website: Explore the official ECDA website ( to access essential information, guidelines, and resources related to daycare center licensing.
  • Contact ECDA: If you have specific queries, reach out to ECDA directly through their contact channels for clarification.

2. Prepare Necessary Documentation:

  • Download Application Form: Obtain the daycare center license application form from the ECDA website.
  • Compile Supporting Documents: Gather all required supporting documents, including floor plans, safety certificates, staff qualifications, and any other relevant information specified by ECDA.

3. Submission of Application:

  • Online Submission: Most applications can be submitted online through the ECDA portal. Ensure that all required documents are uploaded accurately and that the application is submitted within the designated time frame.

4. Await ECDA Review:

  • Application Processing Time: ECDA will review your application to ensure compliance with their licensing criteria. The processing time can vary, and you will be notified of the outcome once the review is complete.
  • Deficiency Letter (if applicable): In case of any deficiencies, ECDA may issue a Deficiency Letter outlining areas that need correction. Respond promptly within the stipulated time frame to address these concerns.

5. Licensing Inspection:

  • Physical Inspection: Expect a physical inspection of your daycare center premises by ECDA officials. This inspection is conducted to verify that your facilities and practices align with ECDA standards.
  • Compliance Check: Ensure that your daycare center fully complies with safety, hygiene, and educational standards during the inspection.


In conclusion, establishing a daycare center in Singapore involves careful planning, adherence to regulations, and a passion for early childhood education. By following these steps and understanding the associated costs, you can embark on a fulfilling journey to provide quality child care services to the local community.

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