Development of Singapore economy at the glance in 2023

Singapore, a small island nation in Southeast Asia, has risen to become one of the world’s most prosperous economies. Over the past few decades, it has undergone a remarkable transformation from a developing country to a highly developed, modern, and thriving economic powerhouse. This article explores the reasons behind Singapore’s economic success and delves into the strategies that have been instrumental in shaping its economic growth in 2023.

How did Singapore develop its economy? 

Singapore had an incredible economic development journey, from an undeveloped country with a low GDP per capita in the 1960s to one of the world’s fastest-growing economies in 2023. Singapore’s ascent was driven by embracing globalization, free-market capitalism, education, and pragmatic policies, despite its limited natural resources and geographical disadvantages.

The nation gained independence from British control in 1965, facing significant challenges such as unemployment, slums, and a lack of infrastructure. To stimulate development, Singapore focused on industrialization, attracting foreign investment and globalizing its trade. To create an attractive business environment, the government centralized power, suppressed unions, and prioritized stability and safety.

Singapore had an incredible economic growth
Singapore had an incredible economic growth

As foreign investment poured in, Singapore also invested heavily in human resources and infrastructure, leading to significant growth in various industries. The country’s strategic location and entrepot trade continued to play a vital role in its modern economy. Today, Singapore excels in industries like manufacturing, technology, finance, tourism, and medical services.

With a small land area and labor force, Singapore’s GDP exceeds $300 billion annually, making it one of the world’s strongest economies. The country’s success has come at the cost of certain freedoms, which remains a subject of debate.

Overall, Singapore’s transformation from an underdeveloped nation to an economic powerhouse serves as a remarkable case study in strategic planning, governance, and embracing international opportunities.

Overview Singapore economy 1Q 2023

During the first quarter of 2023:

  • The Singapore economy experienced a 0.4 % year-on-year growth. The main contributors to this GDP growth were the sectors of other services, administrative & support services, and information & communications.
  • Despite a slight increase in the number of retrenchments, the seasonally-adjusted overall, resident, and citizen unemployment rates declined.
  • Total employment increased by 40,100 on a quarter-on-quarter basis, continuing the positive trend from the previous quarter. Total employment increased by 34,500 when Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) were excluded, thanks to increases in employment for both residents and non-residents.
  • The Consumer Price Index-All Items (CPI-All Items) showed a 6.1 % year-on-year increase during the first quarter of 2023, showing a moderation compared to the 6.6 % increase in the previous quarter.
Singapore economy 1Q 2023
Singapore economy 1Q 2023

The share of total exports in each sector of the Singapore economy serves as an indicator of its dependence on external demand, either directly or indirectly. From 2015 to 2019, most sectors’ total export share remained relatively stable. Notably, the wholesale trade, manufacturing, and transportation & storage sectors relied heavily on external demand, while the construction, other services, and retail trade sectors were less dependent.

However, in 2023, sectors with higher external reliance, such as manufacturing and wholesale trade, are anticipated to face challenges due to weak global economic conditions. The ongoing global economic slowdown is expected to dampen their performance. Conversely, sectors with greater dependence on domestic demand are likely to exhibit more resilience in 2023. For instance, the construction sector’s output is expected to receive support from major public sector projects like BTO flats and MRT rail developments, along with the completion of remaining backlogged construction works affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 major reasons for success of Singapore’s economy

Industry, population, and workforce drive the success of Singapore’s economy, making the country one of the richest in the world over the years. 

Therefore, what are the factors that led to the success of Singapore’s economy? 

The main reasons explaining why Singapore’s economy is thriving today will be provided by the Singapore Company Formation.

1. The island’s strategic location of Singapore

Singapore’s strategic location at the southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula, where it dominates the Strait of Malacca connecting the Indian Ocean to the South China Sea, has contributed to its growth and prosperity, making it the largest port in Southeast Asia and one of the busiest in the world. This is strategically positioned in the Malacca Strait which ensures control over 40% of trade routes.

2. The Singapore government’s adoption of friendly policies towards foreign investments

Singapore’s legal framework and public policies favor foreign investors. Foreign investors are not required to form joint ventures or cede management control to local interests. Both local and foreign investors are bound by identical fundamental laws. Eligibility for incentive schemes depends on meeting government agency criteria. Singapore allows unrestricted reinvestment or repatriation of earnings or capital. The judicial system upholds contract sanctity and effectively enforces decisions. Singapore places no restrictions on domestic investors investing abroad. The government promotes outward investment through Enterprise Singapore, offering market information, business contacts, and financial assistance. Many overseas centers are strategically located in major trading and investment partners like China, India, and ASEAN.

3. Singapore focus on invest in education 

Singapore’s success can be attributed to its strong education system, which contributes significantly to economic growth. While other countries may have well-enforced law systems, Singapore’s edge lies in its top-ranking education system, as evident in the PISA Worldwide Ranking. Education plays a dual role in driving economic growth: it produces skilled workers with higher labor productivity, positively impacting GDP, and also generates positive externalities. These externalities benefit society as a whole, creating a cycle of success.

Singapore has made significant investments in its education system, attracting top graduates to become teachers and ensuring quality control. Alongside a well-established government that ensures security, enforces the law, and prevents corruption, Singapore’s benevolent recognition of education’s importance sets it apart, proving to be the true secret behind its remarkable success.

Reasons for success of Singapore's economy
Reasons for success of Singapore’s economy

Some recommendations for Singapore economic development strategy

There is no standardized structure for business strategies in Singapore. Therefore, Singapore Company Formation aims to provide readers with some insights and Singapore economic development strategy that you can refer to. Let’s check below:

1. Strengthen and diversify international connections

Singapore aims to deepen and diversify its global connections with multinational institutions to boost trade and investment. The Committee on the Future Economy emphasizes enhancing trade relationships within ASEAN countries, adhering to WTO guidelines, and fostering more bilateral and plurilateral collaborations. The primary goal is to reduce trade barriers, including tariffs and non-tariff measures

2. Foster the acquisition and utilization of advanced skills

Singapore actively promotes start-up businesses and encourages the acquisition and utilization of advanced skills. The government has introduced the Research Innovation Enterprise 2020 Plan (RIE2020), offering economic support to businesses in areas such as internationalization, research, and development. Additionally, Singapore intends to simplify regulatory frameworks for entrepreneurship and the protection of intellectual property rights.

3. Enhance digital capabilities

Singapore actively promotes start-up businesses and encourages the acquisition and utilization of advanced skills. The government has introduced the Research Innovation Enterprise 2020 Plan (RIE2020), offering economic support to businesses in areas such as internationalization, research, and development. Additionally, Singapore intends to simplify regulatory frameworks for entrepreneurship and the protection of intellectual property rights.

4. Cultivate a thriving and connected city of opportunities

Singapore plans to further enhance its position as a thriving and interconnected city of opportunities. Key components of this strategy include expanding Changi Airport, constructing a cargo port in Tuas, and developing a high-speed rail line between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Moreover, the government plans to create a master plan for underground urban infrastructure and promote the use of self-driving cars, along with constructing new residential and commercial spaces.

5. Implement Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs)

The government implements Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) to ensure a cohesive approach to various strategies. ITMs consist of official committees representing 23 industries, serving as platforms for executing strategic objectives.

6. Foster collaborative partnerships for growth and innovation

The strategy emphasizes building collaborative partnerships to foster growth and innovation. The government is expanding chambers of commerce to strengthen international cooperation with Europe and other regions. Additionally, the plan involves revising taxation systems and regulations. Measures to increase the use of cleantech products and services are also incorporated to address the impact of climate change.


A combination of strategic planning, pro-business policies, investment in education and human capital, innovation, and a commitment to diversification has attributed to Singapore’s remarkable economic success. As we look at Singapore’s economy in 2023, it continues to serve as a shining example of how a small nation can leverage its strengths to become a global economic powerhouse.

In an ever-changing global landscape, Singapore’s resilience and adaptability will remain crucial in ensuring its continued economic growth and prosperity. By embracing emerging technologies, nurturing entrepreneurship, and maintaining a business-friendly environment, Singapore is likely to stay at the forefront of economic development for years to come.

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