In Singapore, the preparation of financial statements is a critical process for businesses of all sizes. Accurate and timely reports provide insights into a company’s financial health and serve as a legal requirement. In this article, we will delve into the basis of the preparation of financial statements in Singapore, the essential steps involved in this process, and the services available for the preparation of the reports in Lion City.

Basis of preparation of financial statements in Singapore

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of creating financial statements in Singapore, it’s essential to understand the regulatory framework that governs this process. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) play a pivotal role in setting the basis of preparation of financial statements in Singapore.

Basis of preparation of financial statements in Singapore
The basis of preparation of financial statements in Singapore

Regulatory Framework

The primary regulatory body overseeing the financial reporting in Singapore is ACRA. It mandates that all companies registered in Singapore must prepare financial statements in compliance with the SFRS. The SFRS is largely based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), ensuring consistency and comparability of these documents across international borders.

Types of Financial Statements

Companies in Singapore are required to prepare two primary types of financial statements: the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) and the Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profit and Loss Statement). Additionally, companies must prepare the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Statement of Cash Flows, which are integral parts of a complete set of statements.

Applicability of SFRS

The SFRS is applicable to various types of entities, including private limited companies, public companies, and limited liability partnerships. Companies are required to prepare their financial reports annually, ensuring they reflect a true and fair view of the company’s financial position and performance.

The Importance of Accurate Financial Statements

Accurate financial statements are crucial for a variety of stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, regulators, and potential investors. They provide a comprehensive view of a company’s financial health and can influence business decisions, investment choices, and the ability to secure financing. As a result, adherence to the regulatory framework for financial statement preparation in Singapore is of paramount importance.

7 Steps in preparation of financial statements in Singapore

The preparation of financial statements in Singapore involves a series of well-defined steps to ensure accuracy, compliance, and transparency. Let’s break down these essential steps in the preparation of financial statements with Singapore Company Information:

7 Steps in preparation of financial statements in Singapore
7 Steps in Preparation of Financial Statements in Singapore

Step 1: Gather Financial Data

The first step is to gather all relevant financial data. This includes the company’s income and expenditure records, bank statements, invoices, receipts, payroll data, and any other financial information that contributes to the preparation of the statements.

Step 2: Adjustments and Reconciliations

Once the data is collected, the next step is to make necessary adjustments and reconciliations. This may include correcting errors, reconciling accounts, and making accruals or prepayments to ensure that the reports accurately represent the financial position at the reporting date.

Step 3: Compliance with SFRS

Ensuring compliance with the SFRS is crucial. Companies must apply the appropriate SFRS standards to their financial data to create financial statements that adhere to the required format and content.

Step 4: Preparation of the Financial Statements

With the adjusted and compliant financial data, companies can proceed to prepare the financial statements. This involves creating the Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet), the Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profit and Loss Statement), the Statement of Changes in Equity, and the Statement of Cash Flows.

Step 5: Disclosure Notes

In Singapore, financial statements must be accompanied by disclosure notes that provide additional information to the users of the statements. These notes explain accounting policies, contingencies, and other relevant details that help stakeholders understand the financial statements better.

Step 6: Review and Audit

Some companies are required to have their reports reviewed or audited by a certified public accountant. The level of review or audit depends on the size of the company and its public interest score. Review or audit ensures the reliability and accuracy of the financial statements.

Step 7: Filing with ACRA

Once the statements are prepared, reviewed or audited, and deemed accurate and compliant, they must be filed with ACRA. Timely submission is crucial to meet the statutory requirements.

Financial statement preparation services in Singapore

Creating a financial report can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially for companies with multiple financial transactions and intricate operations. In such cases, businesses often turn to financial statement preparation services in Singapore for professional assistance. These services can be beneficial in various ways:

Expertise and Compliance

In Singapore, financial statement preparation services are entrusted to teams of dedicated professionals who possess a deep and comprehensive understanding of the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) and the regulations stipulated by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). These experts are highly trained and continually updated on the latest developments in accounting principles and regulatory requirements, making them indispensable in the meticulous creation of reports.

Time Efficiency

Outsourcing the process of financial statement preparation offers businesses a valuable opportunity to achieve significant time and resource savings. This strategic decision not only streamlines financial operations but also enables company management to direct their attention and resources toward their core business activities and strategic objectives.

By entrusting the intricacies of financial reporting to skilled professionals, organizations can liberate themselves from the time-consuming tasks associated with collecting, analyzing, and presenting financial data. This, in turn, allows them to place a stronger focus on enhancing product quality, expanding market reach, optimizing internal processes, and making informed strategic decisions.

Accuracy and Quality

Experienced professional service providers are equipped with a wealth of knowledge and expertise that uniquely positions them to identify and rectify any errors in financial statements, guaranteeing the highest levels of quality and accuracy. Their proficiency in financial reporting standards, regulations, and best practices enables them to scrutinize the intricate details of financial data with a discerning eye, spotting potential discrepancies, inconsistencies, or omissions that might elude the untrained observer.

These service providers employ rigorous quality control measures to meticulously review each element of a financial statement, including income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and accompanying footnotes. Their goal is to ensure that all figures are not only mathematically precise but also in full compliance with accounting standards and regulatory requirements. This meticulous examination extends beyond numbers alone, encompassing the narrative and qualitative aspects of financial reporting, such as disclosures and accompanying explanations, to maintain coherence and transparency.

Audit Support

Professional services often include audit support for companies requiring auditing. This integrated approach enhances collaboration and communication between preparers and external auditors. It also mitigates audit-related risks by identifying and resolving potential issues beforehand, streamlining the audit process and reducing disruptions to regular operations. Moreover, it equips the company’s internal staff for a more efficient audit and ensures compliance with evolving auditing standards and regulations. In essence, audit support within financial statement preparation services facilitates a smoother audit, strengthens financial governance, and bolsters the company’s position for a successful audit outcome.

Read more: Auditing Services in Singapore

Financial statement preparation services in Singapore
Professional service is significantly popular in Singapore.

Customized Services

These services can be tailored to suit the specific needs of each business. Whether a company needs help with a specific aspect of financial reporting or a comprehensive end-to-end solution, these services can be adapted accordingly.


Though there is an initial expense linked to outsourcing financial statement preparation, it can yield substantial long-term cost-effectiveness. The savings in terms of time and resources are particularly noteworthy, as they allow a business to allocate its manpower and capital more efficiently toward core operations, strategic endeavors, and innovation. Additionally, the reduction in potential errors, discrepancies, and compliance issues not only minimizes costly disruptions but also mitigates the risk of penalties or legal ramifications. This preventive approach ensures that the reports are meticulously accurate and fully compliant, which can, in turn, safeguard the company’s financial stability and reputation.

Expert Consultation

Many professional service providers also offer expert consultation on financial matters. This can be valuable for businesses seeking guidance on financial strategy, tax planning, and compliance with changing regulatory requirements.

Confidentiality and Security

Professional service providers understand the importance of safeguarding financial information. They employ strict data security measures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their client’s financial data.

Accessibility to Technology

These services often have access to advanced accounting and financial software, which can streamline the preparation process and enhance the accuracy of the statements.


The preparation of financial statements in Singapore is a vital process that ensures transparency, accountability, and compliance with regulatory standards. Companies in Singapore must adhere to the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS) to create reports that accurately depict their financial position and performance.

The steps from gathering financial data to filing with ACRA, are comprehensive and require attention to detail. For many businesses, especially those with complex financial transactions, seeking the assistance of report creation can be a wise decision. These services offer expertise, time efficiency, and the assurance of compliance, ultimately contributing to the financial health and success of the organization.

As the business environment in Singapore continues to evolve, the preparation of financial statements remains a cornerstone of corporate governance, transparency, and financial accountability, making it an indispensable part of every company’s operations. Contact us at Singapore Company Formation to have a consultation now!

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