Step 1: Registration, receiving information and confirming order

  • Register at by filling out the safe online form.
  • This section requires precise data entry on your part. The quality of service you receive from PayCEC depends on the details you submit.
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you after PayCEC has received your order.
  • If there are any inaccuracies in your data, please update it.

Step 2: Website evaluation

  • The decision as to whether or not your website can make use of our services will be made by World Payments Corporation. We'll be double-checking the following.
  • These are the rules for using the site.
  • The webpage clearly displays the vendor's name.
  • There is no ambiguity about your refund policy.
  • The terms of your confidentiality policy are described
  • The offered goods or services are detailed in detail.
  • The terms of your payments

Step 3: Offer a testing environment, functionalities, and a web vendor account.

  • PayCEC will provide you with a sandbox vendor account to test the various payment features after analyzing your website.
  • When this account is activated, we will post instructions for accessing your website's integrated vendor account.

Step 4: Activate service

  • After linking your vendor account with PayCEC, you'll have access to a dashboard where you can view daily transaction summaries and fees paid.

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