Obtaining a Singapore work permit is crucial for exploring career opportunities in the Lion City. With its robust economy, vibrant multicultural environment, and business-friendly policies, Singapore has become an attractive destination for professionals worldwide. In this guide, we will cover the types of work passes information.

Overview of Singapore work permit

What is the Singapore work permit ?

The Work Permit allows unskilled laborers from recognized Asian nations to work in Singapore’s lucrative and rapidly expanding sectors. This includes services, construction, manufacturing, maritime, process, and other industries. To safeguard Singapore’s domestic labor market for low-skilled workers, employing companies must meet stricter requirements and limitations, including levies, quotas, a bond, and healthcare provision for Work Permit holders.

Singapore work permit
Singapore work permit

What is the Singapore work visa ?

A Singapore Work Visa, also known as a work pass or work permit, allows foreign individuals to work in Singapore. Under the regulations, employers must provide foreign workers with a monthly salary, meet security bond requirements, and offer health insurance coverage. Additionally, the application for a Singapore work permit can be submitted online.

The Work Permit (WP) eligibility requirements for Singapore

Some must-know requirements for Singapore

Meeting certain eligibility criteria is necessary to qualify for a Singapore Work Permit (WP). These requirements include:

  1. Quota Availability:The employing company must have an eligible quota to hire the work permit holder, as the Singapore government regulates the number of foreign workers each company can employ.
  2. Approved Source Countries: Foreigners seeking a work permit must come from approved traditional source countries, for example Malaysia, China, India, Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Macau, and South Korea. However, certain industry sectors, such as construction and marine, have the permission to hire work permit holders from non-traditional source countries.
  3. Age Limits: The minimum age requirement for foreign workers is 18 years old, while the maximum age is generally set at 50 years old. However, Malaysian workers can continue working on a work permit visa until they reach 58 years old.
  4. Monthly Levy: In relation to the work pass, employers are subject to a monthly foreign worker’s levy. Consequently, this levy must be paid by employers. The amount varying depend on the skill level and sector of the foreign worker.
  1. Security Bond: Non-Malaysian work permit holders are required to provide a security bond. Consequently, this bond serves as a form of financial assurance, ensuring compliance with the work permit conditions.
  2. Medical Insurance: Foreign workers must have medical insurance coverage that meets the minimum requirements set by the Singapore authorities. This ensures that the worker has access to necessary healthcare services during their employment.
  1. Pre-Employment Medical Check:Prior to employment, foreign workers must undergo a medical check to assess their fitness for work, ensuring their well-being and safety.
  2. Safety Courses:In certain industry sectors, foreign workers must complete specific safety courses. As a result, Singapore develops these courses to enhance workplace safety, ensuring that employees are aware of industry-specific hazards and precautions.

It is important to note that the eligibility requirements for the Singapore Work Permit may be subject to change. It is advisable to consult the official guidelines and stay updated on the latest regulations issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to ensure compliance when applying for a work permit in Singapore.

Types of work pass in Singapore

In order to commence work in Singapore, it is essential to possess a valid Work Visa. The Singapore Ministry of Manpower issues various types of Work pass in Singapore, including:

  1. Singapore Employment Pass: We grant this pass to foreign professionals, executives, and managers with specialized skills or holding managerial positions. Additionally, this pass serves as authorization for their employment in Singapore.
  1. Singapore EntrePass:We specifically design the EntrePass for Singapore foreign entrepreneurs. Additionally, this pass serves as a means of facilitating their entrepreneurial endeavors in the country.
  1. Singapore Personalized Employment Pass (PEP): The PEP is for high-earning foreign professionals who desire flexibility in switching employers without having to reapply for a new work pass.
  1. Singapore S Pass: The S Pass targets mid-level skilled workers who earn a fixed monthly salary above a specific threshold and possess relevant qualifications or work experience.
  1. Singapore Work Permit for Migrant Workers: Singapore issues permit to semi-skilled or unskilled foreign workers employed in sectors including construction, manufacturing, marine, and services.
  2. Singapore Work Permit for Migrant Domestic Worker: Singapore specifically grants this permit to foreign domestic workers who are employed in Singaporean households. In addition, this ensures that foreign domestic workers have legal authorization to work in Singaporean households.
  3. Singapore Long Term Visit Pass:Singapore grants Long Term Visit Passes to individuals who have family members working in Singapore on an Employment Pass or S Pass.
  4. Work Passes (Holders of Long-Term Visit Passes Issued by ICA): This category is for individuals who hold Long-Term Visit Passes issued by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
  1. Singapore Letter of Consent for Dependant’s Pass Holders Who Are Business Owners:We issue this letter to dependents of Employment Pass or EntrePass holders aspiring to operate their own business in Singapore.
  2. Singapore Dependent’s Pass: Dependent’s Passes are provided to spouses and children of Employment Pass or S Pass holders.
  3. Singapore Miscellaneous Work Pass:This pass is specifically for individuals engaging in short-term or specific work activities in Singapore. Additionally, it provides authorization for temporary work within the country.

When it comes to specific eligibility criteria and requirements for each work pass type, referring to the Singapore Ministry of Manpower’s official guidelines is crucial. It is essential to ensure compliance with the appropriate visa type for your situation.

Singapore work permit cost

 It is essential to consider the following expenses:

Singapore work permit cost
Singapore work permit cost
  • Application fees: Work permit application fees vary depending on the type and duration of the pass. Moreover, it’s important to note that these fees are non-refundable.
  • Levy fees: Employers are required to pay monthly levies for their foreign workers. Furthermore, the levy amount depends on the worker’s skill level and sector.

Please contact us for specific and in-depth advice

How to apply for a Singapore work visa

To apply for a Singapore work visa, You can consult by following these steps:

  • Determine the appropriate work pass: Understand which work pass best suits your qualifications and job scope.
  • Check eligibility requirements: Review the eligibility criteria and ensure that you meet all the necessary qualifications.
  • Prepare the required documents: To ensure a smooth application process, gather all the necessary documents. They include educational certificates, employment contracts, and passport details.
  • Submit the application: You can apply for the work permit by using the Ministry of Manpower’s online application portal or by engaging the services of an employment agency.
  • Await the outcome: The processing time varies depending on the type of work pass,to track the application status online.


Securing a Singapore work permit is a pivotal step. To enhance your chances of obtaining a Singapore work visa, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with work pass types. Additionally, understanding the different types of work passes available will greatly benefit your application process. Additionally, this are essential for a smooth transition into Singapore’s vibrant workforce.

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