Trademark business name in Singapore: A core service in modern era

Establishing a strong brand identity is crucial for the success of any business, and one key aspect of this is securing the trademark for your business name. In Singapore, a well-thought-out trademark not only protects your brand but also adds value to your business. This article will guide you through a comprehensive information of trademark business name in Singapore, covering important aspects such as costs, the registration process, and where to initiate the application.

Trademark business name in Singapore overview

A trademark encompasses a variety of elements such as a letter, word, name, signature, numeral, device, brand, heading, label, shape, color, or a combination of these. It serves the purpose of distinguishing a person’s goods or services from others in the course of business or trade. As time passes, trademarks also acquire substantial recall value and carry notable economic worth. When registered, a trademark becomes a type of property that can be either licensed or assigned to others.

Trademark business name in Singapore is a crucial process to protect your brand identity and establish exclusive rights to your business name within the market. This legal process is overseen by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and involves several key considerations.

Cost to trademark business name in Singapore

The cost to trademark a business name in Singapore involves various fees associated with the application process. The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) governs trademark registration and has established a fee structure for different aspects of the application. Here’s an overview of the key costs involved:

Cost to trademark business name in Singapore
Cost to trademark business name in Singapore

1. Application Fees:

The primary cost is the application fee, which depends on the number of classes your business falls under. Trademark applications in Singapore are categorized into different classes based on the type of goods or services the mark represents. The more classes you apply for, the higher the application fee.

2. Search and Preliminary Advice Fees:

While not mandatory, conducting a comprehensive trademark search before filing your application is advisable. IPOS offers a search facility on their website, and they also provide preliminary advice for a fee. This step helps you assess the likelihood of your trademark’s success and avoids potential conflicts with existing marks.

3. Professional Fees (Optional):

While you can file a trademark application independently, many businesses choose to engage the services of a registered trademark agent or attorney. The professional fees will vary based on the complexity of the application and the services provided. Hiring a professional can increase the likelihood of successful registration and ensure that the application meets all legal requirements.

4. Renewal Fees:

Trademark registrations in Singapore are valid for ten years. After this period, you’ll need to renew your trademark registration by paying the renewal fee. Keeping track of renewal deadlines is crucial to maintaining continuous protection for your business name.

It’s important to check the official IPOS website for the most up-to-date fee information, as these costs may be subject to change. Additionally, the specific details of your business, the number of classes, and whether you choose to engage professional services can all impact the total cost of trademarking your business name in Singapore.

Before proceeding with the application, it’s recommended to carefully review the fee structure, conduct a thorough trademark search, and, if needed, seek professional advice to ensure a smooth and successful registration process.

How to register trademark business name in Singapore

Registering a trademark business name in Singapore involves a structured process governed by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). Below is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the trademark registration process in Singapore:

7 Steps to register trademark business name in Singapore
7 Steps to register trademark business name in Singapore

Step 1: Creation of a Unique Trademark

It is recommended to design a distinctive trademark, avoiding elements that indicate the nature, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, or time of production of goods or services. Additionally, trademarks should not consist of common surnames, geographical names, conflict with earlier trademarks, or mislead the public.

Step 2: Identification of Relevant Class of Goods/Services

Determine the applicable class of goods or services for your trademark. Singapore adheres to the International Classification of Goods and Services, consisting of 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services. Consider not only your existing business but also any potential future ventures when selecting classes.

Step 3: Application Filing

Submit the trademark application with the minimum filing requirements, including a request for registration, your name and address, a clear graphical representation of the mark, a list of classified goods and services, and a declaration of proposed trademark use.

Step 4: Review by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)

IPOS reviews the application to ensure it meets minimum filing requirements. Once accepted, a Trade Mark number is issued. If deficiencies exist, a Deficiency Letter is sent, providing a 2-month window for correction. Failure to remedy deficiencies results in the application being Deemed Never to Have Been Made.

Step 5: Examination for Conflicts and Legality

The registrar conducts a search for conflicting marks, geographical names, and adherence to international classifications. For pharmaceutical products, the Registry of Trade Marks checks if the mark contains a protected International Non-Proprietary Name (INN). The application is examined for compliance with Singapore Trademark Laws. If requirements are not met, a letter detailing refusals/requirements is issued, requiring a response within 4 months.

Step 6: Advertisement for Public Scrutiny

Upon meeting the above requirements, the application is published for public scrutiny. During a 2-month period, interested parties may oppose the registration. If an objection is received, the applicant is notified and must respond. A decision is made after hearing both parties.

Step 7: Successful Registration

If there is no opposition or the outcome of the opposition hearing favors the applicant, a Certificate of Registration is issued, granting protection for 10 years.

Trademark business name application in Singapore

When preparing a trademark business name application in Singapore, it’s essential to follow a structured layout to ensure that all necessary information is provided. Here’s a general layout for your trademark application:

Trademark business name application in Singapore
Trademark business name application in Singapore

1. Header:

  • Your Business Name or Applicant’s Name
  • Contact Information (Address, Phone Number, Email)

2. Introduction:

  • Briefly introduce the purpose of the application.
  • Mention the intention to register a trademark for your business name in Singapore.

3. Section 1: Trademark Information

Distinctive Trademark Design:

  • Provide a clear representation or description of your distinctive trademark.
  • Include any unique features, such as specific fonts, colors, or design elements.

Avoidance of Trademark Pitfalls:

  • Discuss how your trademark avoids indicating kind, quality, quantity, intended purpose, value, or time of production of goods or services.
  • Confirm that it does not consist of common surnames, geographical names, conflict with earlier trademarks, or mislead the public.

4. Section 2: Identification of Applicable Class of Goods/Services

Classification of Goods/Services:

  • Specify the class or classes of goods or services associated with your business.
  • Align with the International Classification of Goods and Services as prescribed by the Nice Agreement.

5. Section 3: Application Filing Information

Minimum Filing Requirements:

  • State your request for trademark registration.
  • Provide your name and address.
  • Include a clear graphical representation of your mark.
  • List the goods and services classified according to the International Classification.
  • Declare your proposed use of the trademark.

6. Section 4: Review by Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)

Acknowledgment of Receipt:

  • Note the date of filing and Trade Mark number issued by IPOS.
  • Include information sent via the Acknowledgment letter.

Deficiency Letter:

  • Explain the process if the application does not meet minimum filing requirements.
  • Clarify the 2-month window for remedy after receiving a Deficiency Letter.
  • Failure to remedy the issue may result in the authorities considering the application as Deemed Never to Have Been Made.

7. Section 5: Examination for Conflicts and Legality

Formal Search and Examination:

  • Outline the steps taken by IPOS to conduct a formal search for conflicting marks, geographical names, and conformity to international classifications.
  • Specify the examination process for compliance with Singapore Trademark Laws.


  • Describe the issuance of a letter detailing refusals or requirements by IPOS.
  • Clarify the 4-month response window from the date of the IPOS letter.
  • Mention the consequence of non-response or failure to request an extension within the stipulated time.

8. Section 6: Advertisement for Public Scrutiny

Publication Period:

  • Highlight the successful completion of previous steps leading to the application’s publication.
  • Explain that the application is now available for public scrutiny for a 2-month period.

Opposition Process:

  • Detail the procedure for interested parties to oppose the registration during the publication period.
  • Include the notification process and emphasize the applicant’s responsibility to respond in case of receiving an objection.

9. Section 7: Successful Registration

Certificate of Registration:

  • Describe the issuance of a Certificate of Registration if there is no opposition or if the outcome of the opposition hearing favors the applicant.
  • Specify the protection period of 10 years.

Remember that this is a general layout with some necessary information.You must follow the specific instructions provided by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and ensure accurate submission of all necessary documents in accordance with their requirements.

Where to trademark a business name in Singapore

In Singapore, the designated authority for trademark registration is the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS). If you are looking to trademark your business name in Singapore, you should initiate the process through IPOS. Here’s a guide on where and how to proceed with the trademark application:

1. Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS):

  • The official website of IPOS ( is the primary platform for trademark registration in Singapore.
  • IPOS provides comprehensive information about the trademark registration process, including guidelines, fees, and the electronic filing system for submitting applications.

2. Online Filing System:

  • Utilize the IPOS electronic filing system to submit your trademark application online. This user-friendly platform streamlines the application process, making it convenient for businesses to file and manage their trademark applications.

3. Accessing Resources on the IPOS Website:

  • The IPOS website offers various resources, including guidelines on the trademark classification system, information on fees, and downloadable forms.
  • Conduct a preliminary trademark search on the IPOS website to check the availability of your business name and to identify potential conflicts with existing trademarks.

4. Engaging Trademark Professionals:

  • While you can file a trademark application independently, some businesses choose to engage the services of registered trademark agents or attorneys.
  • Registered professionals can provide valuable assistance in navigating the legal complexities of the application process and increasing the chances of a successful registration.

5. IPOS Customer Service:

  • If you have specific questions or need clarification on any aspect of the trademark application process, you can contact the customer service or helpdesk provided by IPOS.
  • IPOS customer service can assist with general inquiries, procedural guidance, and information on the status of your application.

6. IPOS Physical Office:

  • While individuals can complete most processes online, IPOS also operates a physical office in Singapore. If you prefer in-person assistance or need to submit physical documents, you can visit the IPOS office.

In a nutshell,

Securing a trademark business name in Singapore is a strategic investment in your brand’s longevity and success. Understanding the costs, registration process, and where to initiate your application are crucial steps in this journey. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can navigate the trademark registration process in Singapore with confidence, ensuring that your business name enjoys legal protection and stands out in the competitive market.

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