Trademark registration in Singapore
is managed by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, or IPOS in short. The government agency ensures this trademark registration legally protects certain
brands, logos, or symbols that are used in trade. Such a registration allows the owner exclusive rights and bars others from making any unauthorized use.
First, any trademark has to be searched through the online database of IPOS to ensure that the mark is unique and has not been registered by another party. A trademark
should be clear and distinctive to increase its chances of registration.
After confirming that the trademark is unique, prepare the documentation required. This includes information about the applicant, the representation of the trademark,
and the description of the goods or services it will represent. It is important to ensure that everything is in order with the Singapore Trade Marks Act.
The application should be filed using the online portal of IPOS. The process involves the payment of the prescribed fee and the filing of the necessary forms. The
application will then be examined to determine whether it meets the legal and procedural requirements.
If there are no objections or oppositions during the examination and publication process, the mark is approved for registration. This normally takes about six to nine
Trademark protection and business development always depend on registration. It would be difficult and possibly tedious to complete without the
One IBC Singaporeprofessionals, with regard to tailor-made
trademark services for fast processing in one’s pursuit.