The Companies Act and the regulations established by the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) regulate the eligibility requirements for individuals to become company directors in Singapore. Here are some important considerations:

  1. Age and Legal Capacity: The individual must be at least 18 years old and mentally competent. They cannot be an undischarged insolvent or have been previously disqualified from serving as a director.
  2. Local or Foreign Individuals: Both Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans can serve as company directors in Singapore. There is no citizenship or residency requirement in Singapore.
  3. Private limited companies are required to have at least one director, who can also be the sole shareholder. Public corporations are required to have a minimum of two directors, one of whom must normally reside in Singapore.
  4. There are no specific requirements for qualifications or professional experience to become a director. However, knowledge and comprehension of the company’s industry and relevant business practices are recommended.
  5. Certain individuals are ineligible to serve as directors, including those convicted of fraud, dishonesty, or crimes involving moral turpitude.

While there are no explicit nationality restrictions, it is essential to note that certain positions, such as the resident director for compliance purposes, may require a Singapore citizen, permanent resident, or Employment Pass holder. To ensure compliance with all applicable regulations, it is suggested that you seek professional advice.

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